Provision of medical records
The hospital provides medical documentation:
- the patient or his legal representative, or a person authorized by the patient,
- after the patient’s death – a person authorized by the patient during his lifetime or a person who was his legal representative at the time of the patient’s death. After the patient’s death, medical documentation is also made available to other relatives within the meaning of the Act of the second degree or relationship to the second degree in a straight line, a person who is living together or a person indicated by the patient), unless sharing is objected by another close person or the patient objected to it during his lifetime.
The patient’s medical documentation is also available:
- entities providing health services, if this documentation is necessary to ensure the continuity of health services,
- public authorities, including the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights, the Ombudsman for Patients of a Psychiatric Hospital, the National Health Fund, bodies of the self-government of medical professions and national and provincial consultants, to the extent necessary for these entities to perform their tasks, in particular supervision and control,
- entities referred to in art. 119 paragraph. 1 and 2 of the Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities, to the extent necessary to carry out checks at the request of the minister responsible for health,
- authorized by the entity creating the medical profession, to the extent necessary to supervise the Hospital,
- The Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs, to the extent necessary to perform the tasks specified in art. 31n of the Act of 27 August 2004 on health care services financed from public funds (Journal of Laws of 2018, items 1510 and 1515),
- the minister competent for health matters, courts, including disciplinary courts, prosecutors, court doctors and professional liability ombudsmen, in connection with the conducted proceedings,
- authorities and institutions authorized under separate acts, if the audit was conducted at their request,
- disability pension authorities and teams for adjudication of disability, in connection with the proceedings conducted by them,
- entities maintaining registers of medical services, to the extent necessary to keep registers,
- insurance companies, with the consent of the patient,
- medical boards subordinate to the minister competent for internal affairs, military medical boards and medical boards of the Internal Security Agency or the Foreign Intelligence Agency, subordinate to the Heads of the competent agencies,
- persons performing the medical profession in connection with conducting the assessment procedure of the entity providing health services on the basis of the
- provisions on accreditation in health care or the procedure of obtaining other quality certificates, to the extent necessary to carry them out,
provincial committee for adjudication of medical events, in the scope of the proceedings conducted before the committee, - heirs in the scope of the proceedings conducted before the provincial commission for adjudicating on medical events,
- persons performing inspection activities pursuant to art. 39 sec. 1 of the Act of 28 April 2011 on the information system in health care (Journal of Laws No. 113, item 657 and No. 174, item 1039), to the extent necessary to carry them out,
- members of hospital infection control teams to the extent necessary to perform their tasks,
- persons preparing and training to practice a medical profession to the extent necessary to achieve didactic goals,
- a university or research institute to be used for scientific purposes, without revealing the name and other data allowing the identification of the person to whom the documentation relates.
Medical documentation is made available::
- for inspection, with the possibility of taking photos or notes
- by making its statements, excerpts or photocopies
Providing medical documentation by preparing its extracts, copies and photocopies
Medical documentation in the form of extracts, extracts and photocopies is made available by employees authorized by the Director of the Hospital:
- in the methodological and organizational department (documentation of hospital treatment) from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 12.00
- at a mental health clinic, Monday to Friday from 10.30 am to 1.00 pm
The documentation is available for inspection in the departments of the Hospital from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 14.00. In exceptional situations, after prior consultation with the head of the branch, the documentation may be made available for inspection outside the hours mentioned above.
The documentation is made available on a written request, the template of which is attached as Appendix 1 to the Order of the Director of the Hospital No. 18/2019 of 09/05/2019. APPLICATION to download… ..
The completed application should be sent to the following address:
Hospital for the Nervous and Mentally Ill. St. Kryzana
ul. Skarszewska 7
83-200 Starogard Gdański
The Hospital charges a fee for sharing medical records in the amount of:
– PLN 9.73 for one page of an excerpt or an excerpt from medical documentation
– PLN 0.34 for one page of a photocopy of medical documentation
The fee is not collected when medical documentation is made available to the patient or his legal representative for the first time.